Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Views: 27728
Mobile Business;
Mobile devices are often presented as a miniaturized desktop or laptop computers. The next step of the evolution. Why? Because a mobile phone or
tablet - in addition to everything your desktop of laptop has - is also packed with sensors provide a lot of inputs a clever developer can use
to create new services or products.
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Monday, September 19, 2016
Views: 24646
Security & Privacy;
I vividly remember the moment the water main burst on our street when I was a kid; a spectacular geyser raising to the height of the second floor windows
and us, the kids, gleefully enjoying a mini catastrophe that left the whole city block without water for a couple of days.
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Monday, February 27, 2017
Views: 24612
Security & Privacy;
Apple has taken repeatedly a strong stance on privacy protection, especially when it comes to their flagship product, the iPhone. While, undoubtedly,
a lot of effort has gone into making it more secure, a lot still hinges on how conscious is the user of the dangers posed by some combinations of
enabled settings on the iPhone.
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