Ft. Lauderdale, FL – June 3, 2010 – Gulf Stream Baptist Association (GSBA) is the missionary arm of over 170 Southern Baptist churches in Broward County, Florida. The organization is "culturally diverse, yet doctrinally united," networking to accomplish for Christ together what cannot be done alone. In response to the overwhelming need in Haiti today as a result of the January 12, 2010 earthquake, the GSBA has mobilized its resources to help in the efforts to ease the suffering in that nation. Accomplishing this goal required the re-creation of a website that could provide ongoing information on the emergency relief efforts in Haiti, assist in organizing volunteers, give supporters the means of making donations on a safe and secure site, as well as providing information on the other ministries of GSBA.

Ft. Lauderdale, FL – June 3, 2010 – Gulf Stream Baptist Association (GSBA) is the missionary arm of over 170 Southern Baptist churches in Broward County, Florida. The organization is "culturally diverse, yet doctrinally united," networking to accomplish for Christ together what cannot be done alone. In response to the overwhelming need in Haiti today as a result of the January 12, 2010 earthquake, the GSBA has mobilized its resources to help in the efforts to ease the suffering in that nation. Accomplishing this goal required the re-creation of a website that could provide ongoing information on the emergency relief efforts in Haiti, assist in organizing volunteers, give supporters the means of making donations on a safe and secure site, as well as providing information on the other ministries of GSBA.
"Our priority was to make information accessible on our "Heart for Haiti" mission to bring hope to the people in Haiti after the devastating earthquake. We needed a simple, easy to use site for our visitors. ke™ Solutions was a perfect fit. Within a very short time, they put together all of our thoughts and ideas into a website that far exceeded our expectations. ke™ personnel were quick and precise. Working with them was a great experience. No specific file formats were required. No questions were ignored," stated Michael Petty, GSBA Director of Missions.
The GSBA Haiti Relief Ministry will be a prolonged and multi-faceted undertaking. The organization will continue to provide medical teams, but to a lesser degree, as the urgency has passed. The primary focus of medical teams going forward will be less centered on follow-up for earthquake victims, and more on general health provision and food distributions. The long range goal of the ministry will be the development of a training center where pastors and lay people will be trained and equipped with a skill or trade for the purpose of earning a living for themselves and their families. The training center will also help to provide the pastor with not only a skill or trade, but also a ministry and the necessary business tools. Resource limitations will be satisfied with micro loans. It is the desire of the ministry that these pastors will be the catalysts in their community for rebuilding and improving the lives of the Haitian people. "We likewise rejoice in the vital partnership with the Florida Baptist Convention in the work of Haiti," continued Petty.
Donations to the GSBA Haiti Relief Ministry can made on the www.gsba.org website.
The website is deployed on a high quality hosting system by ke™ Solutions, Inc. ke™ Solutions offers a variety of hosting solutions ranging from unmanaged websites to custom software development and geographically dispersed deployments.
About GSBA
GSBA (www.gsba.org) was founded in 1948. GSBA is the missionary arm of over 170 Southern Baptist churches in Broward County, Florida. The organization is “culturally diverse yet doctrinally united, networking to accomplish for Christ together what we cannot do alone.” GSBA is located in Broward County, a fast-growing, multicultural and challenging mission field. Our congregations include the following ethnicities: African American, Anglo, Portugese/Brazilian, Caribbean, Chinese, Filipino, Haitian, Hispanic, Korean, Messianic Jews, Romanian, Russian/Ukranian and Seminole. GSBA helps our churches fulfill the Great Commission by providing training events, conferences, workshop for pastors, staff and lay leaders and facilitating and counseling in a wide range of areas. Our Church & Community Ministry includes the Tanna F. Dawson Community Ministry Center, and the two Medical Clinics, The Living Water Care Centers.
About ke™ Solutions, Inc.
ke™ Solutions, Inc. (www.kesolutions.biz) under the leadership of Mr. Lorin Morar, offers rapid website development and design, ensures optimal content performance with the proprietary ke™ engine website software, as well as custom software solutions and search engine optimization. The ke™ engine is a software package of development solutions designed to allow companies to leverage the web by giving them the power to create, update and maintain their own websites. With a team of highly experienced global designers, computer programmers and SEO experts, as well as an emphasis on quality service, ke™ Solutions, Inc. is unparalleled in meeting and exceeding client’s expectations. Empower your company’s online presence and stay a leap ahead with ke™ Solutions, Inc. ke™ Solutions, Inc. offers a variety of hosting solutions ranging from unmanaged websites to custom software development and geographically dispersed deployments. Our commitment is to provide the best possible experience to all our clients by supporting a wide range of hardware and software technologies based on individual needs.
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