Mission Statement

The keMission is to radically change the Internet experience for everybody by empowering website owners with cutting-edge web engine, simple to deploy and maintain, easy to expand, that will transform e-visitors in e-regulars. We encourage the growth of the Internet, by providing dynamic, intelligent websites. Furthermore, we will research and develop the latest in technology and implement these solutions into ke exceeding our clients' expectations.
Everyone knows about the seven basic stages of developing a website: planning, content development, graphic design, site layout, programming, marketing/promotion and maintenance.
But if you've ever tried to build a website, you most likely did something like this: a little bit of planning, a little bit of content gathering, a little bit of graphic design, and then dealing with the Big Unknown: How much does it really cost to make the website functional and to maintain and manage the content?
This is precisely where the Internet bubble burst! Trying to build a simple online business ended up costing a fortune. Not anymore!
Think of it like this. Building a website is a lot like building a hotel. You start by planning. You find the location. You determine the number of rooms. You determine how to receive reservations. Then you go even further. Can you change the color of the walls or change the ambient music, purely based on your guests' preferences. What happens when the place is full?
Too often, websites look like a nice little blue hotel that can't grow because of the construction materials (flash or static html pages), or like a big gray warehouse on the side of the road where you knock and get a reply in 48 hours (any experience with virtual shopping malls?).
An intelligent website needs to be responsive, which means sending 'Thank you' emails to your visitors upon any interaction, sending friendly error messages as needed, and providing a sensible navigation scheme.
Here's the question you really need to ask yourself: What makes visitors return? The answer all comes down to your content. Is there something new to see? Is there something new you want to say? Helping you keep your content current is what ke is all about.
So where can ke help? ke builds on your vision and graphic design, then it takes care of all the rest. Content development, layout and navigation, e-commerce and maintenance have never been easier.
All of your error handling and feedback are automatically built in with ke. Give friendly errors to your users, change the error descriptions anytime, change the error styles with a snap, three steps form submission (data entry and validation, verify data, submit data), automated "Thank You" and "Admin Notification" emails.
Modules like Message Boards, Calendar, Business and Product Directories, Shopping Card, Promos for Content, Users, Business, Products and Events, Random Content, Newsletters and Discount Coupons are just some of the things at your disposal to help you grow your website at your own pace.
keAdmin makes content management easy and flexible, allowing you to add, delete and update the content, change the web design, grant or deny access to content based on five user levels. You can also get instant traffic reports and much more.
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