Do you need ke Solutions for your online backup? The answer depends on several factors, such as your level of technical expertise, understanding of computer technologies and time on your hands. However, bear in mind that you want to run your business not be a jack of all trades! Ask yourself these:
- Do I want the peace of mind that goes with knowing all my data are secure at any time?
- Do I have the time to ensure the backup process is on schedule and successful, time after time?
Backup is not a new activity

Did you know that clay tablet archives are arguably one of the most successful backup data center of all time? While the owners of those commercial records or private correspondences cannot appreciate it (being long dead), clay tablet archives achieved an impressive record: data recovery even after millenia!
Fun aside, data archiving and recovery is as important today as it was then. Fortunately, our means of achieving this today are immeasurably better and more affordable.
The big trends in backup & recovery

It is always profitable to keep an eye out to catch what are the major trends, even if you are not one the of the big players. Last year, Alchemy Solutions Group published a Business Value Analysis Marketing Research Report on backup and recover that can offer a lot of insights. To cut it short:
- Over the last two years, the number one reason to deploy a backup-and-recovery solution was to address the unremitting growth in stored data volume. To bring this in perspective, consider that for almost 90 percent of the companies in this sample annual data growth falls between 10 percent to 60 percent.
- Another important factor for enterprises is improving backup success rate: according to their data, small-to-midsize businesses (firms with fewer than 1,000 employees) considered this to be a driver nearly twice as often than by enterprise and large-enterprise companies (firms with more than 1,000 employees). Apparently, the reason for that is that smaller companies lagged behind in implementing successful backup / recovery solutions. Data show that more than one-third of the sampled businesses indicate that their backup success rate was no higher than 70 percent.
- The need to eliminate data redundancy storage in data centers emerged as the second most important factor, driving purchase decisions for 43 percent of respondents.
- Especially among small-to-medium sized businesses up to 46 percent emphasize the importance of driving labor costs down and increasing productivity in their future purchasing decisions regarding backup solutions.
- 70 percent of respondents note their organizations have already adopted a single backup-and-recovery solution. The desire to gain single-solution efficiency continues to be high among small-to-medium sized businesses.
Our partner - Mozy backup

Frequently found in the top 10 online backup and recovery services, Mozy helps more than six million individuals and 100,000 businesses ensuring that more than 90 petabytes (note: 1 petabyte=1 million gigabytes) of information. However, when choosing Mozy as our partner most people take the longer view: on the volatile scene of online services Mozy could be safely counted as an established veteran, soon to blow the candles on its 10-year cake. The fact that Mozy is a part of EMC, the largest provider of data storage platforms in the world is speaking volumes in itself. Mozy business has successfully completed a SSAE 16 Type 2 audit and received ISO 27001 certification. Mozy complies with various international standards, including PCI DSS, SOX, HIPAA, GLBA, 95/46/EC Data Protection Directive, and European Safe Harbor principles.
Our support

What is our offer? In partnership with Mozy, we offer a backup and recovery solution that fits your needs and takes into account the most important trends in the backup & recovery domain mentioned at the beginning of the post.
Above all, we offer you peace of mind. While Mozy covers a lot of possibilities, a human being needs to monitor to backup process and ensure against a number of pitfalls an automated system cannot. Without going into the technical details, we ensure that you do not need to parse out messages like:
"{Date/Time} mozyprobackup.exe: Finished backup with code: 0x00000000 0 1 1”
or any of the other ~500 types of error messages.
Even more, our service backs up server-specific applications, including:
- Network shares
- All versions of SQL and Exchange
- SharePoint
- Active Directory
- Com+ services
- SYSVOL directory share
- Windows Registry database
What it boils down to
So, do you need us for your online backup? The answer depends on several factors, such as your level of technical expertise, understanding of computer technologies and time on your hands. We will tell you the truth: usually you don’t need anyone’s help, because usually things run smoothly with Mozy. Even when they don’t run smoothly, if you have the time and some determination you can find the answer to your problem.
But here we arrive at the crux of the problem: you want to run a business and focus on that rather than stepping into the shoes of IT support. Whether you join our growing clientele or not you really need to ask yourself two things:
- Do I want the peace of mind that goes with knowing all my data are secure at any time?
- Do I have the time to ensure the backup process is on schedule and successful, time after time?
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