*content reproduced with permission from appzbizz.com

Just imagine it for a second: your business (whatever it may be) is working. Along comes an email claiming that there a simple way to boost your business by 71% with minimal costs. Spam or stroke of genius? Surprisingly, it turns out there is at least one case where the claim is true!
A study published in 2013 the American Journal of Preventive Medicine revealed that the simple expedient of pre-slicing fresh fruit (apples) in school cafeterias increased their sales hugely. Later results and surveys confirmed the results, albeit the magnitude of the effect differs somewhat between the studies.
Isolated case or valuable principle?
Given that it is true in this case, the million dollar question is whether this could true in other instances as well? Is it an exception or is it more like a principle? If the latter, what is the principle and can you apply it to your business as well?
Let’s return briefly to the research cited at the beginning of this post and see what the researchers thought the reasons were for this effect. Based on the interviews they conducted with students two main reasons emerged: some cite smaller jaws, braces or missing teeth as the main problems, while others think it unattractive to be seen biting into a fruit in front of others. Though for different reasons, both categories appreciated much more sliced fruit.
Fundamentally, however, both sets of reasons can be subsumed under one broad category - convenience. Re-stated this way, suddenly the whole thing becomes quite obvious. Don’t be too quick to discard it, though. Businesses that discovered ways of making things consistently more convenient had also, statistically speaking, made a lot of money. So let me tell you this.
Using an App is all about convenience
Maybe know you would appreciate this simple yet powerful truth. Just as the introduction of fruit slicers produced a huge impact on the sales of fresh fruit, so could the an app become a game changer for your business.
Your app can incorporate a variety of features you can freely choose from. Here is a list of our top features based on customer demand:
- Vouchers - A special invitation to your first-time customer that virtually guarantees his or her visit to your location
- Loyalty Card - Dedicated to loyal customers that keep coming back time and time again
- Refer a Friend - Offers your client the possibility to earn a bonus if he or she refers a friend
- Products / Services - Your customer does not need to remember, only check
- Surveys - Your very own customer opinion polling agency: insights were never easier
See a list of the the features you can incorporate into your business app if you create it using the AppzBizz platform, here. Need to see an example of how an app looks like when ready? Open this link to our demo app on your smartphone if you want to see an app in action!
Get your own app in 3 easy steps
1. Complete the form by clicking here and send us the payment to activate the special offer.
2. Send us information and images you want to appear in the app by using this form.
3. In 24 hours or less you will receive an email notifying you that the binaries have been uploaded to Apple and Android stores, alongside all the important information about your app, as well as advice on how to get the most out of your apps.
Our team will follow up with you on regular basis to answer any question you might have and provide further useful tips on how to maximize your app’s usefulness.
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