The newly launched website, AutismMind.com, will change the way that people think about, live with and cope with autism. This informational site is the creation of Ana Anselma, a mother of two children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Her goal is to help parents improve their relationship with their loved one with autism by giving them a better understanding of how their child thinks and learns.
One in 88 children in the United States is affected by autism. For boys, the number is one in 54. "There are so many families who are daily facing the challenges of autism, and searching for information on how to best help their child with ASD navigate through life. It is my hope that this website will allow them to stay focused on their child’s possibilities and abilities, and provide insight as to how to help them to reach their full potential,” states Ana.
Autism Mind sorts through the volumes of information on ASD and distills this information down to the key facts which the reader can use to create new or revised actions plans to benefit their loved one with ASD. The "Think Different" section of the site, educates the reader on how the ASD brain is different from, not inferior to, the so called "normal" brain. The "Learn Different" section of the site is a tool box designed to support users in their efforts to help their autistic loved one learn critical skills. Teaching and instruction are the keys for self-sufficiency.
The "Live Different" section of the site contains the Anselma family’s blog which details their journey with autism. "I felt that is was important to share our story, including the highs and lows, to allow readers to learn from our experiences and provide shortcuts through the vast sea of information," continues Ana.
The Autism Mind website is powered by ke and ke Solutions, Inc. At the heart of the new website, http://www.autismmind.com, is the cutting-edge ke™ web engine that broadcasts the site’s messages over the web. Fully customizable and updatable content is provided by the reliable, powerful and completely scalable web engine in order to continually meet the demands of a growing business.
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About Autism Mind
Autism Mind will change the way you think about, live with and cope with autism. We want to help you improve your relationship with your loved one with autism by understanding how they think and learn. Understanding how they think and learn is critical to teaching them the skills needed to improve their life and yours. Our primary focus is on the potential and abilities of those with Autism Spectrum Disorder “ASD”. Unfortunately, ASD is more commonly identified with the disabilities, not the abilities or possibilities. Autism Mind takes volumes of information and distills it down to the key details that will help you formulate new or revised action plans to help your loved one with ASD.
About ke Solutions
ke™ Solutions, Inc. (http://www.kesolutions.biz) under the leadership of Mr. Lorin Morar, offers rapid website development and design, ensures optimal content performance with the proprietary ke™ engine website software, as well as custom software solutions and search engine optimization. The ke™ engine is a software package of development solutions designed to allow companies to leverage the web by giving them the power to create, update and maintain their own websites. Empower your company's online presence and stay a leap ahead with ke™ Solutions, Inc.
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