Friday, April 7, 2017
Views: 31361
ke Solutions Apps; ke Solutions Websites;
Ke Solutions is pleased to announce the successful launch of a fully functional e-commerce and order management module in partnership with, our app building platform partner.
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Monday, March 27, 2017
Views: 22660
Business Start-up;
Career setbacks can be an overwhelming experience, leaving many to question whether they are on the right track or not. While many people
will forge ahead, continuing on the same path they've been taking, others see a career setback as a chance to do something new, sometimes
even starting their own businesses.
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Friday, March 24, 2017
Views: 16618
Mobile Business;
Last week, NY Times published an article - 'It’s Possible to Hack a Phone With Sound Waves, Researchers Show' - that since gained a lot of
attention and a lot of echoes in other media outlets. It’s not just about smartphones, as the title might suggest; but any system incorporating
a particular class of sensors (an accelerometer, in this case) allows under certain conditions a knowledgeable person to influence, control
or disable the device that incorporates it.
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Monday, February 27, 2017
Views: 24612
Security & Privacy;
Apple has taken repeatedly a strong stance on privacy protection, especially when it comes to their flagship product, the iPhone. While, undoubtedly,
a lot of effort has gone into making it more secure, a lot still hinges on how conscious is the user of the dangers posed by some combinations of
enabled settings on the iPhone.
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Friday, January 27, 2017
Views: 16104
Digital Business;
For a number of years now, Adobe conducts a global survey to capture how people view creativity, it’s role in the their lives, it role in the business
environment, etc. The most recent report - Adobe State of: Create 2016 - was published at the beginning of October and has many interesting findings
businesses would do well to think about.
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Monday, December 19, 2016
Views: 4614
Even those that haven’t watched the movie Zootopia, the iconic scene depicted above is probably resonating with some of our own experiences with systems
that seem to thrive on delay. Time isn’t, of course, money, but it is still a very precious commodity for most of us to be squandered uselessly.
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Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Views: 15885
ke Solutions Websites;
The most visible parts of our work are websites and apps, but it would be a mistake to assume that what you can see in our Portfolio is all ke Solutions does.
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Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Views: 18106
Mobile Business;
Just imagine it for a second: your business (whatever it may be) is working. Along comes an email claiming that there a simple way to boost your business
by 71% with minimal costs. Spam or stroke of genius? Surprisingly, it turns out there is at least one case where the claim is true!
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Monday, October 24, 2016
Views: 20284
Digital Business;
Take some time and examine The Conversion Prism: some names will surely be familiar, others will ring a bell and many won’t mean a thing. But there is
no other way to visualize just how complicated is this thing we call 'social media'.
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Friday, October 14, 2016
Views: 21165
Trends & Predictions;
Virtual or Augmented Reality (VR / AR) are hot topics these days; magnets for all kinds of online content. Usually interest in VR is coupled with a focus
on enabling hardware and tech. Sometimes the interest switches to innovative ways one may use VR; Nonny de la Pena riveting TED talk 'The future of news?
Virtual reality' was able to generate a significant spike.
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Monday, September 19, 2016
Views: 24646
Security & Privacy;
I vividly remember the moment the water main burst on our street when I was a kid; a spectacular geyser raising to the height of the second floor windows
and us, the kids, gleefully enjoying a mini catastrophe that left the whole city block without water for a couple of days.
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Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Views: 27728
Mobile Business;
Mobile devices are often presented as a miniaturized desktop or laptop computers. The next step of the evolution. Why? Because a mobile phone or
tablet - in addition to everything your desktop of laptop has - is also packed with sensors provide a lot of inputs a clever developer can use
to create new services or products.
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Thursday, August 18, 2016
Views: 18196
Social Media;
How do you make people hear you out about something everyone knows is boring and would rather avoid? One answer is to create content that goes viral and repeatedly shared.
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