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7 key anxieties implicit in popular SEO predictions for 2015 - Part 1

There is a deluge of predictions about the new 2015 trends that started to appear at the end of 2014 and will continue (based on what happened in the previous years) to appear for a month or two. Highly interesting to read in some cases (there are gems out there, I assure you!) but overwhelming in terms of volume.
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Facebook: good or bad for you?

Emarketer recently published a summary of a Cowen and Company online survey that confirms these figures and provide some more details about age group differences on this measure.
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The irony behind some responsive web design tools: a friendly jab

When you try to convince people that the way forward in web design is RWD (i.e. responsive web design) you gotta show them (literally show) what is RWD, what it means and why is it important. While writing this blog post about our own RWD tool we’ve discovered a number of other RWD tools that are published on pages that are not responsive - how ironic is that?
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SEO and political campaigns: dedicated apps show the future

Less than a month ago, Search Engine Land published Byrne Hobart’s blogpost on the possible roles SEO can adopt in political campaigns. Essentially he shows how SEO is fast becoming a must-have in at least three domains: online reputation management, controlling the news cycle and rank cranking on certain issues that are deemed crucial to a candidate or party.
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When backup equals peace of mind

Do you need ke Solutions for your online backup? The answer depends on several factors, such as your level of technical expertise, understanding of computer technologies and time on your hands. However, bear in mind that you want to run your business not be a jack of all trades!
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ke Solutions Announces Website Redesign

ke Solutions is proud to launch a dramatically redesigned website – http://www.keSolutions.biz. The most significant changes on the website are the responsive design, clean, fresh look with easy-to-navigate layout - to help applicants find the information they need, faster.
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What I’ve Learnt From our Customers

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning. -Albert Einstein
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Happy 4th of July!

The whole nation is celebrating the Independence Day! It’s not hard to belong to a community when you know what its values are!
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Dunbar’s number: implications for internet marketing and SEO - Part 2

In the previous post I talked about what is Dunbar’s number and the constraints it places on social networking. This post will be about why Dunbar’s number matters and has to be taken into account by internet marketing people and SEO/SEM.
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Be the best

I once received a very stupid home-work for my English class (or at least it seemed that way at the time). We were a few weeks before high school graduation … and my mind wasn’t exactly at poetry…. But it proved to be one of the best life lessons I ever received. Even now, many years after learning it by heart its teaching sounds very clearly to my ears: “Be the best at whatever you are!”
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Dunbar’s number: implications for internet marketing and SEO - Part 1

~63,100 is the number of hits you will likely get searching google for “Dunbar’s number”. If you are interested in SEO and search for “Dunbar’s number” +SEO you will get 221 results for the last year and 55 results from last month only. What is this number and why SEM/SEO people discuss it?
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The differences between crepes and web developing

I like crepes and I try to make them as often as I can. Since my son learned French in school and his last lesson was about crepes, the teacher thought it would be interesting for the students to make crepes … at home :-(
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SEO blogs and Analogy: Alchemy or Science?

I’ll bet you’ve clicked through dozens of titles running along the lines of “SEO is like {X}”. There are actually thousands of search results for these keywords (Google belches out 270.000 of them in less than a second).
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124 articles  10 pages